Tuesday, 1 March 2011

To what extent is human identity increasingly mediated

Yeah, i believe that media effects how we progress as people and depending on what we consume shapes our personalities and how we are. Facebook is a way in which we create our image.

I feel as though characters that are made in series such as Skins, this is because this series is aimed at a younger audience and the characters encompass stereotypes which most people can identify with. This is the same in series such as misfits and shameless.

Some similarities such as 'Chris' in skins with the fashion sense and the muddled up personality.

I reject being a drug addict but aspire to be independent.


We use social networking sites to create profiles of ourselves and share photos, videos and information with friends online. Other websites allow us to share music we have created with our friends and peers. (myspace)

I am on facebook, as are many of my peers. Our identity is created through the pictures and personal information we share. Even the way we respond to each others comments creates an identity.

YouTube enables to post videos expressing feelings or share other videos which we have seen which entertain and amuse us. Although i do not, i know people that are signed up to Second Life which has become almost a retreat for these individuals. It gives people are chance to reinvent themselves and create a persona in a new world.

Online communities have become important in popular culture as it has become a popular way of socializing in the modern day

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