Can you personally relate to the idea of creating identity using the media?
We both can as their are many television programmes and films aimed at our age group. This means that we can relate to the characters within these media types and because of this we see them as role models and may aspire to be like them . This can then modify and sculpture your own identity.
Are there any characters or media personalities who you feel represent you?
I feel that there are many personalities who we feel that are meant to represent us as a social group (youths) yet they do not always represent us fairly. Many representations are very exaggerated and unrealistic representations.
Do you share the same qualities?
No not really because we do not feel that there are any that represent us and we feel that if they do then its an unfair representation.
Which qualities do you reject and which do you aspire to have?
If we were to reject any qualities then it would be the antisocial behaviour of excessive drinking, drug taking and stealing that are frequently represented by the media of youths.
How do you use the internet to create a representation of yourself?
We both have facebook, so by creating a profile of pictures and information on this social networking site we are effectively creating a representation of ourselves. We will only want pictures on this site that we feel comfortable with, in order to not create a bad representation of ourselves. We want to be portrayed in a respectable manner as some people want to portray a provocative image so will want to put certain pictures on there.
How about online worlds and games? Do you use twitter or youtube to express yourself?
We personally do not have other of these sites, but i do think that both of these sites can be used to express someone through posts and videos.
How do collective identities use the internet to define themselves? Are online communities or facebook groups important?
They use social networking sites or themed blogs to group themselves together with similar likes and dislikes and discussion blogs on subjects that internet them. There are websites for every type of person and therefore every collective identity and these groups can express themselves through certain sites. We dont really think that online communities and facebook groups are overly important and they could be deemed as unsociable and may encourage destructive acts such as self harming and anorexia groups but they could also open doors to people to connect with others who are the same as them and they then feel part if a group.
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