-Does the media reflect or shape our sense of who we are?
-Is the media increasingly important in how we shape our identity?
-How powerful is the media in shaping/helping us to shape who we are?
Everyones identity is based on beliefs and ideas. Some of these ideas can come from what they see in the media. For example when we watched Skins we saw the main characters were attractive teenagers that all partied 24/7 and enjoyed life. They took drugs and drank all the time. If the audience watching were of a similiar age to the characters, they are likely to try and imitate the behaviour. Alot of teens studying at college smoke and drink how the characters do. They dress and look similiar to characters and some people may even create a personality similliar to one of those they have seen on TV. The way the programme is broadcasted, we interpretted from it that to party and to take drugs all the time and to get in trouble was deemed as 'cool'. This message is being sent out to everyone watching which would increase this behaviour in every day life.
Each episode is focused on a particular character which gives the audience a better insight into their typical everyday behaviour and personality. This way of filming allows the audience to become more familiar with the characters and story lines and creates a closeness with them which helps the audience relate to the programme. By having the focus on one person, specific groups of people eg 'chavs', 'goths' can copy and imitate the characters they enjoy the most. For example there was a story in the news about how a party had been advertised on Facebook (similiar to how it was on a Skins episode) and police helicopters and dogs had to be called in to shut the party down due to it being over populated and out of hand. This is a prime example of how the programme has shaped the way some people want to live thier lives.
Personally we feel that the media is important in the way we shape our identity, however sometimes it can create too much pressure and turn our lives around so that they begin to go in the wrong direction. All types of media gives people new ideas everyday from about how they look to what they do for a job. It can inspire people and make their life better but it can also be a problem. If someone becomes obsessed with an idea they will do anything to make it happen. For example if viewers copied everything that happened in the Skins episode they would be breaking the law for several offences. If this happened, it is likely that they would not get away with it how the characters do in the programme as that is fiction and created for entertainment.
Media can touch people in different ways. For example some soap operas are very easy to relate to for some viewers. Dramas often show problems that can happen in every day life, although they are very exaggerated, it can help some people through things. There are often help lines and advice phone numbers displayed after programmes that face issues so that viewers experiencing the same thing can go through their lives more easily.
Another way that the media is so powerful is that celebrities are often role models to people. They see how they behave in the media and imitate it without effort. Some people would rather live other peoples lives than their own as it is easier for them and allows them to express how they feel.
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